Charge HQ acquired by Amber

Today we’re pleased to announce we’ve joined forces with Amber, an innovative, Australian energy retailer and technology company that lets customers buy and sell energy at the wholesale price, rewarding households for driving the renewables transition.

This partnership will not only allow us to continue offering you the benefits you currently get from Charge HQ, but will also expand on them. This includes continuing to support Tesla charging with Charge HQ (more here), as well as developing vehicle-to-grid capability, something we know a lot of you may be interested in exploring.

In the coming months you will hear more from us about how to make the most of your home energy set-up. In the meantime, Charge HQ pricing and plans will remain unchanged.

A huge thank you for supporting Charge HQ. We’re glad you’ve continued to see value in our service and we look forward to you continuing to help you make smart and rewarding energy decisions into the future.

If you’d like to learn more, you can read the full announcement here.

Jay & Andrew

Founders, Charge HQ

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Could you please include the link to “continuing to support Tesla charging with Charge HQ (more here)”

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Oops, done. It’s just a link to the Tesla fleet telemetry FAQ

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Congratulations @jbanyer and @andrew

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Excellent news that this wonderful app’s future is assured! So @jbanyer and @andrew does “Charge HQ pricing and plans will remain unchanged” mean the Yearly subscription I’m on will be available at rollover time? (Instead of it switching to Monthly)

Thanks @worm666. For now, the plan options remain unchanged, which means that your annual plan will convert to monthly as previously announced. We understand that some people prefer the annual option and will keep this in mind when reviewing the plans in future. Cheers.