Charging 2 Teslas

I have two Teslas, both of which are selectable within my phone App. I have connected one Tesla to Charge HQ and it works fine. However I plug in the other Tesla, select it on my phone App but cannot see it in the Charge HQ app. I presume both should appear in the Charge HQ home page so I can swap between them.

Is there something else I need to do?

Charge HQ does support switching between vehicles, and all vehicles should be visible in a drop-down at the bottom of the home screen. Only one vehicle can be selected at once. For this to work, Charge HQ must be connected to a Tesla account which has access to all the vehicles.

Looking at your account, I can see two vehicles, so it seems to be working as expected.

More info on multiple vehicle here: Using Charge HQ with multiple EVs or Chargers