Charging limited to 7kw whilst chargeHQ is running things

Fronius wattpilot go 3 phase charger, alpha ess battery single phase. Solar and fronius inverter single phase. Battery and charger connected together via chargeHQ.

I am struggling to get more than 7kw charge into my mg4 essence77… Until I turn off chargeHQ and turn on the fronius charger manually…

I have tried the chargeHQ setting in 3 phase and highest amp settings. I have tried in solar tracking, scheduled charging and charge now modes. I have checked the settings on the car. The only variable that seems to give me the faster charge rate is disabling chargeHQ.

FYI my fronius inverter is an older version and doesn’t connect directly to the wattpilot and I don’t have a smartmeter. I have the alpha ess battery connected to chargeHQ for my solar tracking.
Also. My solar and battery are single phase. Charger is 3 phase.

Hi. The number of phases being used is controlled by the Fronius Wattpilot, not by Charge HQ (at least, not directly).

Have you tried forcing the Wattpilot into 3 phase mode using the Watt Pilot app, and see what happens?