EV Charger pre-purchase Query - Current setup AlphaESS & GOODWE

Hi there,

I have a multi question request that hopefully can be answered on this forum.

As mention in subject, AlphaESS B3 Smile Battery & GOODWE GW-5000-EH

AlphaESS is what I use most and fine tune my home requirements from whereas Sems Portal App doesn’t seem to have much functionality, it’s all online but some information appears to be missing when viewing the app…

The aim is to use excess solar to charge vehicle (no grid).

My first question is, can I and should I connect Charge HQ to AlphaESS or Sems Portal?

If AlphaESS, is the B3 Smile compatible with the charge HQ service?

Second question is, do you have a recommended EV charger to purchase?

Thanks, Jordan.

Hi Jordan,

When you have a home battery and solar, you only connect the home battery (assuming it’s compatible).

The AlphaESS should work fine, you can test it via a free 2-month trial.

For the EV charger, if you have a Tesla EV I personally like the Tesla HPWC because of the unlock button on the handle.

For a non-Tesla EV, the Wallbox, Fronius Wattpilot and ZJ Beny are all worth a look. More details here: Smart Charger Recommendations - 2024


Thanks for getting back to me so quickly on this. I’ll do a trial tomorrow