Hi, I’m at the end of a two week trial of the paid version. I have my settings on Solar Only, without any advanced settings modified. I understand that there will be some charging from the grid due to the nature of the periodic checking by the app, but today I got a two hour spike of very high grid charging (0.4 solar out of 2.0kWh charging) and (0.9 solar out of 2.9kWh charging). Any idea why this might have happened? Thanks
Hi @imoahunt . Last week there were a few issues with a number of vehicles related to the transition to Tesla fleet telemetry, see Tesla fleet telemetry FAQ. This is what caused the incorrect charging of your vehicle on 22nd Jan.
The issue has been worked-around since that day and work is ongoing to resolve it going forward. The issue is on the Tesla vehicle side and we’re working with Tesla to resolve it.
I’ve updated your account to provide another 2 week trial so you can try it again. Cheers.
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