Jay, thanks for responding.
I had tried power cycling several times,including off at the main switch for >1hr and restart, with no change. I’d also asked Wallbox support, who gave the pretty much the same response as you.
I was about to do the factory reset, but it gave a warning saying
“Revert to original settings?
This action permanently deletes all data in the charger.
Some settings will need to be re-configured by an authorised installer”
I didn’t want to have to call in an installer, so sent a message back to Wallbox asking for confirmation.
Here’s the weird part - while I was composing the email, ChargeHQ connected to the charger! This is after several days of pending connections.
ChargeHQ said the charger was in “Unknown” state and was claimed to be drawing 4.1kW. However, there was nothing plugged in. The other oddity is ChargeHQ now says it’s a “Pulsar Max”, not a “Pulsar Plus”. About the only extra thing I’d done to (maybe?) cause the reconnection was going as far into a reset as the warning screen and cancelling out. I power cycled the Wallbox. It reconnected (still as “Pulsar Max”), but this time correctly identified the state as “unplugged”. It’s since behaved correctly with the “Always Charge” threshold, and in 10 minutes or so I’ll know if the block out works.
Wallbox have said “all fixed, nothing more to see, close the case”, which is dissapointing, because no one has explained what happened. I’ve asked them to clarify the “authorised installer” thing. I can’t see what there would be for them to “re-configure”. If I get confirmation that it doesn’t need external help, I’ll try the reset to see if that corrects the model name.
I know nothing about the OCPP protocol, but on general principles, either the Wallbox is sending a model name string of text to ChargeHQ, or, it’s sending some kind of ID, which ChargeHQ is looking up in a table from “somewhere” to figure out what to display. I’m hoping that someone who understands the protocol will say “Aha!” and maybe figure something useful out about what’s going on from that strange symptom.
Thanks again for your assistance. Isn’t it amazing how many first world problems we can set ourselves up for?