Sonnen Battery Support Update

Looking to obtain an update on the status of the inclusion of the Sonnen Home Battery (AC Coupled) support in the ChargeHQ app.
Is it possible to understand where this is at currently

As far as we know, Sonnen do not offer a cloud-based API to read data from their batteries. Charge HQ requires a cloud-based API for integration as we do not use a local hardware device.

If Sonnen were to offer an official cloud-based API we’d be happy to look into it.

If you have an raspberry pi mini computer (or another linux system) on your home network, you can use the push api support that ChargeHQ already use.

I have made a small script that runs on my Raspberry pi computer which I have turned on for 24/7 and it works very reliable for me. You only need to adjust a few variables in the script for your system.
You can get it from her:

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Thanks, I’ll check it out!

Hi - did you succeed in connecting ChargeHQ to you Sonnen-battery?

Hi Jay I was successful I run up a Pi I had in the house doing nothing. It is working great thank you again for your help.